Sunday, December 30, 2012

Phone Pics

So back on black Friday I got Andrew a new Ipod. That was his main Christmas present and I only got him a few other small presents. Fast forward to Christmas morning I go to hand Andrew his present that I had wrapped the Ipod only to see it had been tampered with and that it said To: Andrew Ashley From: Ashley Andrew. Inside was an Iphone for me! I was so excited but felt awful that Andrew didn't have any Christmas presents. He returned the Ipod to get my Iphone. He is way to nice to me. But since I've gotten it I have loved more than anything Instagram and having a camera always handy.
These are all sideways, guess I need to figure that out!
Rylee with her new skates and protective gear:
 Andrew and I at Albion Grove where we went with his Hammer family after Christmas:
 My boys:
 Hot tubbing with the cousins in 26 degree weather:
 Playing games:
 Matching faux hawks before church:
 Karaoke night, it was quite entertaining:
All caught up for now!
 Backing up a little. Before Halloween the kids and I went to the pumpkin patch. It was a Saturday, but Andrew was not feeling well and passed out on the couch. We had been promising the kids we would go so I took them! We had a lot of fun and got some cute pumpkins.
Reese had a cowboy day at school. Her best buddy Casen was over before we went to school, they look like quite the Western couple :)
 And fast forward...our ward Christmas party. Rylee and Santa:
 Reese, she was a little nervous. She was brave enough to sit on his lap but froze when he asked what she wanted. Good thing we got a letter out in the mail :)
Pax, oh Pax. This kid was CRAZY during the dinner. Would not sit still, wiggling and throwing a fit if I put him down. He finally grabbed the water pitcher and proceeded to dump the entire thing all over himself (hence the no pants in the Santa picture) and all over my friend Alyssa who was holding him. Oh, I love him but he is exhausting!
 Christmas time snuck up on us before we knew it. We went to Shelley to have Christmas with the Wray's. Here is Uncle Josh with Paxton and Alexander.
 Cute cousins!
 After a yummy dinner we acted out the nativity and opened our Christmas Eve jammies. Mary on her donkey:
 A wiggly and large newborn baby Jesus:
 Reese the angel:
 The nativity scene:
 Come Christmas morning poor Reese was super sick and literally couldn't keep her eyes open and get out of bed. She slept until 1:30 that afternoon, but after that felt much better. Rylee checking out her loot:
 Paxton was pretty excited about everything, especially his basketball hoop.
Matching jammie boys! Alexander is about 4 month younger than Paxton but outweighs him by a few pounds. It's so fun to see them interact together, I think they will be good buddies!
I'm the worst at taking pictures. We enjoyed our Christmas day and the next day we went to the Mountain River Ranch for a sleigh ride, dinner and a show. It was so much fun! We had a babysitter put the kids to bed while we were gone and planned on leaving for home first thing the next morning. Just as Andrew and I were climbing into bed about 11 Paxton woke up and was crying in his pack n play next to our bed. After a few minutes Andrew and I looked at each other and said, "Let's go!" So we packed up our stuff, woke up the girls and hit the road home at 11:30. We got home around 1:30 and collapsed into bed! To be continued.....

Getting caught up!

Since it is almost the end of 2012 I finally feel like I need to get caught up on the blog. And Andrew printed off our blog book for Christmas and I love it so it has renewed by need to blog! So Thanksgiving we headed up to Montana and spent 5 days with my family. Of course, we had a great time! Here we are on Thanksgiving day:
 Andrew looking through a book with Pax and Ry:
 Molly, Parker and Tara:
 Dan, Katie and little Lucy:
 We had a delicious meal with extended family and did a ton a little Black Friday shopping. The Saturday afterwards we went down to Red Lodge and cut down a Christmas tree. Pax and I:
 My little mountain man with his binky that he only chews on :)
 We had a great time with everyone and were sad to go home knowing we weren't going to be up for Christmas. Once we got home we had a busy month of December!
Rylee has become quite the reader. I caught her in the act reading stories to Paxton and Reese:
I got a new pre-lit tree on clearance after Christmas last year and was excited to set it up this year. This picture looks kind of sad with no presents underneath it but we loved it and had a lot of fun setting up all our Christmas tree.
 Reese's preschool performed at the Festival of Trees. She was so excited to sing with her class!
 I tried to get a picture with Pax, he wasn't too excited about it!
Reese singing her little heart out. She even had a solo with  the microphone all to herself during "Santa Claus is coming to town." She's grown so much and has gained so much confidence during these last few months of preschool. We love Ms. Dawn and Ms. Brittany, they are wonderful teachers and run such a wonderful preschool!
 Starting on December 1st the elves start to visit our house everyday bringing a note with something to do each day. They kind of serve as our advent calendar. The first day they brought a gingerbread house for the girls to decorate (Pax was sleeping so he didn't get to "help") Please excuse the Saturday hair.